

Given the special characteristics of AVENTURA CAFÉ, where the contribution of non-traditional income substantially modifies the income statement, reducing the amortization time of the investment.  Due to this, there is an enormous potential for franchises, as well as complementation with hotel and catering businesses and different tourist services. Once the brand is established, it will be necessary to launch our own line of clothing, accessories and handicrafts.


The Scenario


  • The explosive development of adventure and ecological tourism that has taken place all over the world.

  • The consolidation of the idea of a healthy life, together with the care of the environment, natural resources and sustainable ecology.

  • The sum of natural factors that make people return to their beginnings to reconnect with themselves and nature, etc.

  • There is no other place like this, with all the sustainable advances in construction, hotels, gastronomy, tourism, etc.  It also fulfils an educational and pedagogical function.

female-and-male-sailing-with-canoes-close-to-each-other-at-sunset (1)

There is no other place like it, with all the sustainable advances in construction, hotels, gastronomy, tourism, etc.  It also fulfils an educational and pedagogical function.



Based on the scenario described above, we believe that the possibility of investing in this project is very current. The irreversible trends that the global context presents, make clients look for these new friendly spaces.


At the moment, there is no such place. AVENTURA CAFÉ would be the first meeting place for all those who share this ideals.


As a third point, we would like to highlight the short payback period of the investment. Essentially because of the income of non-traditional sponsors in the income statement.