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about us

Adventure travel is one of the fastest growing industries in recent years. This has driven thousands of people around the world to seek refuge, inspiration and entertainment in different scenarios provided by nature.


Technological advances such as internet, social networks, GPS and satellite telephony have put new tools within the reach of adventure tourism enthusiasts to satisfy these needs that they never imagined or dreamed of before, facing these challenges with a security never before achieved.


In contrast to this we find a society with an enourmes amount of stress, typical of this new modern life, where everything seems to be in an extreme speed. Daily competition, increasing pollution, the degradation of natural environments and even the threats of global terrorism are constant aggressions suffered by all inhabitants. These threats have massively turned millions of people towards adventure travel, which has become a way of "going back to the source", revaluing the essential principles of man's relationship with the planet. Everything indicates that this trend will continue to increase in the future.


Undoubtedly, this revolution in the way of travelling and enjoying free time is consolidating as a coherent form of the new global tendencies, where the big companies cannot be alien to this phenomenon, having CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) as its axis. Thousands of parallel businesses have taken this into account. It is worth mentioning the explosive growth of the 4x4 vehicle market and its trips to different parts of the world, as a means of transport to different adventure activities.


There are also different niches in specialised magazines, sports competitions, clothing, clubs, hotels, ranches, handicrafts, regional cuisine, culture, etc. We believe that Aventura Café is a project that encompasses all these issues, positioning itself as a beacon of reference for anyone who shares this philosophy. It is a must for anyone who wants to live their life under these new paradigms.


This global project seeks to bring people back to themselves, living nature in an integral way and respecting the ecosystem. It looks for a new type of relationship with the natural environment, proper to the 21st century. This operation is to be a sustainable initiative, adopting the most modern practices and services, already proven worldwide. Our clients and friends will be able to have fun during their visit, living a unique experience, enriching them as people from the very moment they pass through the doors of Aventura Café.



AVENTURA CAFE is a TOURISTIC, HOTELIER, GASTRONOMIC and LIFE project according to new global trends.

Aventura Café is a TOURISTIC, HOTELIER, GASTRONOMIC and life project according to new global trends.
